1. When will the books arrive?
The books are no longer in the pre-order phase! They are ready for ordering and shipping. The book typically ships the next day after an order is placed.
2. What kind of book is it?
A book for DOGS! It's a board book with interactive sensory pages to keep your dog engaged.
-smell pages (bacon & peanut butter)
-noise buttons (squeaky ball & doorbell)
-mirror page
-photo page
-tricks page
3. What is the best way to get updates on what you and Charlie are up to?
(book signings, dog book events)
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: charlie_n_diana
-mirror page
-photo page
-tricks page
3. What is the best way to get updates on what you and Charlie are up to?
(book signings, dog book events)
Follow us on social media:
Instagram: charlie_n_diana
Facebook: Charlie & Diana
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]